Wearable Tech Can Eliminate Workplace Scares!

There is nothing scarier this time of year than workplace injuries and fatalities. Over the past years, total workplace injuries and fatalities in the US have actually increased slightly. However, it is not all doom and gloom this Halloween, wearable technology may be able to offer a solution. IOT wearable safety solutions when deployed in […]
3 Ways to Intelligently Apply Contact Tracing Wearables

Now at this very moment I knew that the United States was in the war…. Hitler’s fate was sealed. Mussolini’s fate was sealed. As for the Japanese, they would be ground to a powder. All the rest was the proper application of overwhelming force.” – Winston Churchill You care for your employees, you bought the […]
The Next Best Offer

In the world of call centers, representatives are trained to present the Next Best Offer. If the caller says “no,” there is always a Next Best Offer. But does the Next Best Offer work in safety? Companies have an infinite number of items they can spend money on. Where does reducing injuries fit in the […]
Using Data For Good

If you’re a Netflix subscriber, or have friends/family that watch Netflix, I’m sure you’ve heard about the new docudrama, The Social Dilemma. If not, the film is aimed at raising awareness around important issues with social media surrounding design ethics, digital addiction, and the spread of fake news, to name a few. As a self […]
Wearable Tech from the Employee Point of View

Whether you are on an assembly line, repairing aircraft, or even sitting behind a desk, employees within every organization want to do their very best to provide for their families with as little impediment to their workday as possible. The introduction of wearable technology to the workplace is usually met with mixed opinions from employees […]