Modjoul Technology Granted Patent

Over the course of nearly 10 years building Modjoul from the ground up, we’ve celebrated quite a few important milestones.

Perhaps none bigger than the one we’re announcing today:

The granting of patent protection for the Modjoul SmartBelt, our belt-based safety wearable device. Additional patents are pending for our proprietary technologies and solutions.

This initial patent represents not only the legal safeguarding of the SmartBelt in the safety wearable market, it is confirmation of the technological innovation inherent in its development and in how it measures workplace ergonomics and movements such as lifting, twisting, bending, driving, and more.

Of course, it takes a big team to get to this point. In this case, the Modjoul team includes our legal partners at Davis Wright Tremain, who worked for six years with determined diligence to secure this patent approval.

This patent underscores our commitment to advancing safety and efficiency in various industries, and we look forward to continuing our journey of innovation and excellence.

Curious to learn more? Check out the details of our SmartBelt technology!

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