Wearable Tech Can Eliminate Workplace Scares!

There is nothing scarier this time of year than workplace injuries and fatalities. Over the past years, total workplace injuries and fatalities in the US have actually increased slightly. However, it is not all doom and gloom this Halloween, wearable technology may be able to offer a solution. IOT wearable safety solutions when deployed in the workplace are showing promising results of 60-80% reductions in injuries.

Fall Detection

One of the scariest reoccurring dreams that we all have is falling from heights. With wearable technology, we can assess both altimeter data (how high employees are) and accelerometer data (if and when there is an accident).

Lone Worker

Everyone fears the idea of dying alone. With lone worker technology, employees can alert nearby supervisors that they need assistance before they become a negative statistic.

Contact Tracing and Social Distancing

Thousands dead from COVID… Don’t let anyone at your company be next. With contact tracing and social distancing alerts, companies have been able to reduce the number of contacts by over 80% and eliminate the risk of spread.

Lumbar Injuries

Back injuries are the top cause of job-related disabilities and more than one million back injuries are sustained in the workplace every year. Using wearables, we are able to reduce risky body mechanics and lumbar injuries by over 60% on average. Americans spend 50 billion dollars per year on lumbar injuries, don’t let your employees “break their backs” this Halloween.


Maybe the scariest of all… From 2011 to 2017, 614 workers lost their lives in forklift related incidents and more than 7,000 nonfatal injuries with days away from work occurred every year. With wearable technology, we are able to track and remove these risky forklift driving activities that lead to these frightening statistics.

Extreme Temperature

The age old “would you rather question”… would you rather freeze to death or burn to death. Answer, neither! Have automatic alerts and notifications that prevent heat stroke or potential frost bite with ambient temperature detection. This Halloween don’t get spooked by injuries, fatalities, workers comp claims, or deadly virus spread through the use of Modjoul’s wearable technology.

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